Giving back – Three Fingers Lookout & Other Adventures
Alpinism is an inherently selfish activity, it’s a nice feeling to give some time/money/attention to the community many so deeply care about.
I had the privilege of being on a Mountaineers stewardship activity benefiting the Friends of the Three Fingers Lookout. 7+ (and Samantha!!!) awesome individuals and one cheerleader helped carry up some much needed wood to keep maintaining the lookout for future generations.
53.5km, over 2000m↑ , and a few days later we arrive at this post.

It was really cool to discover mountains in different ways, every single person shared something super cool and was really nice to listen and learn. Was also cool to be able to share some stories the other way as well.
Vantage Weekend
I was invited to an awesome climbing weekend cragging at Vantage (Frenchman Coulee) and had a great time. Couple regulars on the blog were on the trip.

I managed to climb 4 climbs. I made my mountain project meme a bit less :nervous-monkey-emoji: by onsighting a 10A on lead.
I followed that up with a few takes on a 10c toprope.
I climbed a super chossy 5.6 wide gear climb by sitting on 3 pieces. Thanks Cam for the extra wide gear.
I wrapped up the day with a 10A on toprope after watching a first time outdoor climber send it on toprope. They had only had a 5min lesson from me at the gym but never even climbed a crack indoors or outdoors before. WOW.

Such a great weekend. Przemek you better finish your MBA quick and get right back to the proper coast.
A note on gear purchases.
There are many ways to get gear, hope you do the best thing for you.
First expedition planning
Currently trying to find partners for an unguided ascent of the West Buttress of Denali in 2023, if you are interested and are interested in helping plan and execute a safe trip, lmk.
Shoutout of thanks was a huge part of getting my bike sorted out for the three fingers trip. I’ve worked with them a bunch of times and have been blown away. Not only with the quality of work, but their reaction when there is an issue. Mike runs an excellent shop if you are looking for bike service in Seattle.